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Friday 6 January 2017

How to use KeywordsTool.io For free


Keywords are those words which helps any website to rank on a good position in the Google search or any search query. There are many way to determine which keyword will best suit for your website/blog.
But why play the guess game? Why not take professional help for free?
Do you just read Professional and free in the same line? Yes you did, A site called Keywordstool can be used as a professional tool site to work with the keywords related to your need.

So, How the whole thing words let’s get deeper into it.

Keywordstool.io is a site which lets you search related keywords which are most reached and searched by the whole wide world. This helps you to find more relevant keywords that you can use in your articles to rank high or in 
your website heading to make it more visible on the search engines.

How to Use It for Free

Firstly go to the site Keywordstool.io. You can search related keywords on different search engines by selecting them from the drop down menu.

Search for the Keyword you might and willing to use for your article in the blog.

Related Adsense Keywords
Related Adsense Keywords

The sites lets you see around 750 or related keywords that are been searched by the world wide public. Although you can’t see the search volume, CPC etch information as a free user but you get a list of related keywords that can act when used properly into ranking your blog higher In the search results.

How to write SEO friendly Articles/Blog post

How to write SEO friendly articles
How to write SEO friendly articles 

SEO a term which every blogger either newbie or a professional have to go through to survive in the blogging world. So, what exactly SEO is and stands for.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it’s a process. Well we all know the full form of it. But what exactly it dose to a website\blog when applied or not applied to it.

As we all know every blog\website is indexed in the Google search engine through which other people search and find website\blogs. They simply type in the keywords in the Google or any other search engine search bar and Google does the rest by showing relative web links to the user.

So? Where SEO comes in? This linking of website to the search engine is done by the SEO process. A search engine optimized website\blog will contain all the necessary codes and features that allows it to be placed in the Google search. Getting Some-where?

The articles or post you write on the website blog should be also search engine optimized to.

How to do it?

Here is the simple answers to how to make SEO friendly articles. There are basically two things to keep in mind while writing an article or a blog post.

  • Using Keywords
  • Original Content


Yes the key factor of any website to be a success is the implementation of using keywords in the post and articles it contains.

So, what are Keywords?

Simple answers to this, Keywords are the important words that relate to the topic of the article. Got it? One more time, A keyword is a word that best describes the content of the article.

For example:- An article related to Cat Food should have words like Cat food, food for cats, essential food for cats.

What these words will do is the next time a person types in any of the above words will most probably see your site in the Google search results.

So keywords understood, let’s move on to Original Content


Well as we all know there are tons of content available over the vast internet. So, the most important thing to keep in mind while writing any article related to any particular niche make sure that your content is not taken from any website etc., you can read a lot of related articles before writing an article but write original in your words.

The best way to check after writing an article that if it contains any content that is already writing and available on the net is a site called Plagium simple copy past the whole article and do a quick search it will list if any line or phrase matching the content online.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Thinking of Start blogging? What to Know before Starting a blog?

Thinking of Start blogging? What to Know before Starting a blog?
pic source : tisuchi

Everyday a new blog starts but how many of them really get on top? The answer is very few. The reason behind this is the unknown strategies behind what makes a blog successful in today’s tough blog competition.

So, how usually someone starts a blog? Most of them just by going to free sites like blogger.com or WordPress.org and start writing articles and posting other stuff. But this is not a right way to do it. Today we learn how to start blogging and what steps should you take before starting a blog.

Top Three methods to follow before starting a New Blog

  • Niche
  • Planning
  • Execution


“Niche” a new word for a newbie into blogging and a very familiar word who are already have some experience into the world of blogging.

So, what exactly is a Niche? A Niche is defined area of blogging. Or in more easy way to understand a niche is a topic around which a blog should revolve and created.

Posting random stuff on a blog will not help it to gain popularity for a long term effect. It may get lots of traffic for a week or two but slowly it will go into a downfall state.

A best way to counter this is to create a Multi-Niche blog which can contain more than on topic. It’s advised that a single niche blog will be more successful than a multi-niche blog.


The most important step and what most people FAIL TO FOLLOW is the planning stage of blogging. A blog is not just a website you create to share info but is a platform from where people get to know information.

So, what does a planning stage should comprise of? The answers is Scheduling & Team Work.

Scheduling your post is the best way to gain more readers and loyal followers in the blogging world. If you are an INDIAN BLOGGER then you much know that if you want to gain more foreign traffic say USA, CANADA etc. you must post at night. This will ensure that your post get maximum views by the time you sleep and wake up in the morning.

Team Work shows that you are dedicated towards running the blog for a long time. Blogging at some point requires few team members to work efficiently so that someone can write up articles while other can focus on social activities and promotion of the blog.


Let’s assume that you followed the above task and decided what niche you want to blog on and which team members you will work with but that’s not enough to guaranty the success of blog. The vital part is to execute the planning correctly.
Execution include domain name selection, using correct keywords, implementation of Meta data into the html code.

If the above mentioned are executed perfectly, the blog will be listed in the Google search and will gain popularity and show into results within two to three weeks of blog.